How to remove fruit juice stains from clothing and carpets?

Little children and fruit juice go hand in hand. Unfortunately, so do messes. If you do indeed, have a child or have been enjoying some home juicing recipes, you may find out that some combinations of fruit juices can result in some incredibly stubborn, nearly impossible-to-remove stains. If such stains occur on your carpets, upholstery, or clothes you must take immediate action in order to get rid of them.

The first thing you should always do is blot the stain away and never rub it. By doing this, you will be able to soak up most of the liquid and prevent it from soaking in the fabric and spreading around. Another important thing to remember is, never to put stained garments and fabrics in the dryer. Heat may set the stain and make it permanent.

The good news is that you can easily remove fruit juice stains by using common household ingredients and products. Keep reading to find out what the few simple steps for doing that are. You may use the same steps in order to remove applesauce, just make sure you remove any liquids before you start treating the area. If you do not have time for this you can always turn to professional cleaners to do the work for you.

Before you begin
Always check the care label of the fabric you are about to treat. If it says dry-cleaning only, do not attempt any stain removal remedies at home. Instead, bring it to a professional as soon as the stain occurs. Make sure to identify the stain – that will make it easier for the professional to use the correct cleaning solutions.

You will need:

  • paper towels
  • white cloths
  • heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent
  • sponge
  • soft-bristled brush
  • oxygenated bleach
  • small bowl
  • vacuum cleaner
  • liquid dishwashing soap

In order to remove juice stains from washable fabrics and linen

Fruit juice stains occur on fabrics because of tannin – a plant component that often shows as the colour of the fruit. Pear, apple, and white grape stains contain less tannin than berries, plums, and purple grapes, for example. Keep reading to find out how to remove them:

  1. Blot – Always blot away the stain as soon as possible. By removing most of the moisture, you will prevent it from soaking up deeper into the fabric and becoming hard to remove, or even permanent.
  2. Flush – Rinse the stained area under cold water with the wrong side up. This will flush the apple juice out of the fibres. You can do this under a faucet.
  3. Wash – Get rid of fresh fruit juice stains by simply washing the garment with heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent with enough enzymes to break apart the stain. You can use the hottest temperature that is suitable for the fabrics.
  4. Check – Always check the fabric for stain residue before continuing with the next step. Do not machine dry the garment and proceed further.
  5. Soak – Mix a solution of oxygenated bleach and some warm water (always follow package instructions). Submerge the items and let them soak for at least 4 hours or overnight. Make sure the stain is completely gone before washing the garment. If the stain is not gone, repeat the oxygenated bleach step. (Oxy bleach is a safer option, especially when it comes to synthetic or coloured fabrics. Make sure you do not use chlorine bleach since it may harm the fabric and cause permanent damage to them).

The same techniques and products may be used for removing fruit juice stains from both upholstery and carpets. Make sure you do not saturate the fabrics, since excessive moisture in thick fabrics and cushions may cause damage and further problems.

Before attempting to clean any furniture or carpet, check the manufacturer’s instructions and follow them in order to prevent permanent damage.

When treating fruit juice stains from upholstery or carpets, make a solution of two teaspoons of dishwashing liquid detergent and two cups of warm water. Use a clean cloth or a sponge in order to work on the stain. Use gentle motions and always work starting at the outer edge and working your way towards the centre of the stain. That way, you will prevent the stain from spreading. When done, blot away with a clean cloth in order to soak up the excess moisture. Let the area air-dry and if the stain is not completely gone, repeat the step above.

Additional tip:
You can mix a solution of oxygenated bleach and water in order to saturate the stain. Use this for more stubborn stains. Always let the cleaning mixture soak in for at least 30 minutes or an hour. Do not use heat in order to dry the fabric. Always allow it to air-dry.