The ultimate guide to cleaning your appliances

Your home is not simply an area where you reside. It is full of useful gadgets made for your comfort and simply designed to ease your life. Whether you love hi-tech and your whole place is full of modern technology that makes everything happen in a second or you are on the old-school team and only have a few basic appliances, maintenance, cleaning, and care will constantly be on your to-do list.
Home appliances help us but they need help too. In order to keep them well-functioning and healthy for longer, regular maintenance is a must. It is important to know when to clean and fix things around the house and make sure you don’t skip this. Neglecting it may cause health issues or malfunction depending on the type of appliance.
In this article,we will talk about the different house appliances, how often you should clean them, and how to do that in the best, most efficient way possible. Keep reading to find out how to remove bacteria, and grime, and prevent mould and mildew from growing.

Refrigerator – You should clean your refrigerator every 3 months
Make refrigerator cleaning easy by wiping up spills immediately and wiping down handles and dispenser controls with a disinfectant wipe on a daily basis to remove bacteria from many hands. Take a few minutes once a week to look for food that needs to be thrown out to prevent the spread of mould and mildew.
For thorough cleaning, empty the fridge of all food, shelves, and bins every three months. Get rid of anything that has passed its prime. Combine one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap and one quart of warm water to make a solution. Wipe down the interior with a clean sponge or microfiber cloth, taking special care of any spills. Then, using a clean, dry cloth, wipe down all surfaces.
Use the same detergent and hot water solution to clean the shelves and containers. Before putting them back in the refrigerator, thoroughly rinse and dry them. Add a new, opened box of baking soda to help absorb odours along with the food, and you’re done.
Follow the same cleaning procedures if you have a self-defrosting freezer compartment. Follow the manufacturer’s defrosting and cleaning instructions for a frost-filled freezer.
After cleaning the inside, disconnect the refrigerator, take it away from the wall, and vacuum behind and beneath it. To access every crevice, you may need to remove a vented cover. If the coils and fans are dusty, the refrigerator will have to work more to keep items chilled.

Dishwasher – You should deep clean your dishwasher at least once a month
Once a month, clean your dishwasher with vinegar and baking soda to keep it in proper working condition. Remove the bottom rack from an empty dishwasher and inspect the drain strainer and detergent dispenser for debris. Replace the rack after cleaning the strainer with a soft-bristled brush. Place a glass dish filled with one cup of distilled white vinegar on the top rack of the oven. Wash in hot water but skip the drying cycle. Open the dishwasher and sprinkle one cup of baking soda down the bottom. Run a second short hot water cycle. Your dishwasher interior is now grease and odour-free and ready to use for another month.
To prevent food particles and residue from building up on the inside of your dishwasher, rinse all plates and cups before placing them inside and make sure no solids or food pieces are left.

Cooktop and Oven – You should clean those seasonally or at least twice a year
Similar to cleaning the refrigerator, if you wipe up spills and splatters immediately, you won’t have to undertake heavy-duty cleaning as often. Both smooth and burner cooktops can be cleaned with a basic dishwashing soap and hot water solution. Never use abrasive cleansers or metal scrubbers on the finish. To remove solidified food, a plastic spatula is the best tool.
Metal drip pans or grids over gas burners can withstand hard scrubbing and should be cleaned once a month. Allow the drip pans to soak in a degreaser and hot water solution for about 30 minutes before scrubbing with a stiff-bristled scrub brush and a baking soda and water paste.
Ovens should be cleaned on a seasonal basis. Cleaning is best done after a huge holiday cooking marathon, not before! Follow the manufacturer’s instructions if the oven is self-cleaning. Use a baking soda and water mixture as a mild abrasive and grease remover in typical ovens that aren’t very unclean. For baked-on messes, use a commercial oven cleaner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure you do not skip the oven cleaning. It may start smoking and change the taste of your favourite meals.